Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Hi Fly Guy

Hi Fly Guy is all about a fly who went out side toe take a fly. A kid name Buzz also went out for a walk to find a pet for the pet show. Fly guy flew into Buzz and said "Buzz". Buzz the boy was impressed so he put the fly in a jar and took him home. His dad said he was not a pet, he was a pest! So the dad got the fly swatter but then fly guy said "Buzz". The dad stopped and told Buzz he could keep him. They named him Fly Guy. So Buzz and Fly Guy went to the pet show but the judges just laughed and said that flies were not pets. So Buzz let Fly Guy go but then.... you will have to find out the rest by reading the book! I give this book 5/5.

The Magic Thief 1

The Magic Thief 1 is all about a little boy named Conn who lived on the streets.His mother died because his uncle choped of his mothers legs so she couldn't find food to keep her self alive.So Conn is always running away from his uncle the underlord.Only people with names of birds can be the underlord Conn's uncles name is Crowe.Conn is a exellent pick pocket an he picks a wizerds pocket and takes a magic rock called a locus magickalsis that could have killed him.So once Conn and eveary get to now each other eveary takes Conn to hos house to sleep and eat.Once Conn finishes dinner eveary tells him about magic and why the rock would have killed him.So Conn learns obout magic and meets a girl and finds his magic rock then ....Just kiding I'm not telling the end read the book.Igive the whole series a 10/10.

Tuesday, January 18, 2011

The Christmas Genie

The Christmas Genie is all about a grade 5 class that is going to have the experience of there lives.One day when every one is doing there work a meteorite falls into there class.Every one jumps out of the way and are really scared but they all come down and go and look at the meteorite.They looked at the rock  for a few minutes then something weird happened something started coming out of the rock.It was a Genie a three foot tall Genie how had been in space for 13 billion years or so he said.So after the kids weren't in shock any more the Genie told them they got 1 wish for the whole class but only one hour to pick it in.When the kids heard that the teacher gane them a card to right there wishes on and put the wishes in a container.So all the wishes were heard.  Then they ran out of time and the Genie tried to get away thwen the amzeing happend.That's all I' m putting for this story read the book to find out the rest.I give this book a 4/5 but that's just my thought of this book you could like it more than me.

Monday, January 17, 2011

BabyMouse Beach Babe

Beach Babe is a all about a little mouse who's always dreaming about a perfect life.In this story she goes to the beach and tries to learn how to surf and dreams she is the best on the beach.When she gets there she finds out surfing is not that easy.She also has to deal with her little brother who's a big bother. So find out the rest when you read the book.I give this book a 4/5 but that's just my opinion.

The Lightning Theif

The Lightning Thief is all about a kid named Percy Jackson who has Dyslexia finds out that his dad is Poseidon. He goes to a boarding school called Yancy academy for troubled kids.When he's there his mean old teacher attacks him. She is actually a Furie a creature from the underworld trying to get Zeus's master bolt. The only thing is that Percy doesn't have it.  Zeus thinks he does and so does Hades. Percy has to find and return the master bolt to Zeus by the summer solstice by midnight or else the world will become a battlefield between Zeus and Poseidon.  To find out if Percy saves the day I recommend you read this book. I give this book a 5/5.