Wednesday, January 19, 2011

The Magic Thief 1

The Magic Thief 1 is all about a little boy named Conn who lived on the streets.His mother died because his uncle choped of his mothers legs so she couldn't find food to keep her self alive.So Conn is always running away from his uncle the underlord.Only people with names of birds can be the underlord Conn's uncles name is Crowe.Conn is a exellent pick pocket an he picks a wizerds pocket and takes a magic rock called a locus magickalsis that could have killed him.So once Conn and eveary get to now each other eveary takes Conn to hos house to sleep and eat.Once Conn finishes dinner eveary tells him about magic and why the rock would have killed him.So Conn learns obout magic and meets a girl and finds his magic rock then ....Just kiding I'm not telling the end read the book.Igive the whole series a 10/10.


  1. Woah, really good blog Emma! I enjoy reading it. I like how you put up books daily and read really interesting storys.. You are a great writer!

    I am reading some Harry Potter books at the moment, and I would love to find out what you think of them, please put a blog reveiw for one of the books or movies. Your blog is always nice to read when you are bored or need something to do.You write and spell very good!

    Although I have a question: Out of all the books you have reveiwed witch book have you liked the best and found the best read? :)

    Happy blogging.

  2. hi emma i love how you enjoy reading so much i wish i could get in too a book like you and i love your blogs so ... keep bloging

    your number one fan !

  3. the easiest book to resd was hi fly guy
